healthy breakfast crumble with coconut yoghurt      

Apple crumble is traditionally something we have for desert, but personally I love it for breakfast! Especially in the winter, as it is so warm and comforting, and it is surprisingly quick and easy to make even before the start of a busy day. My version is super healthy, with no added sugar and plenty of protein and beneficial fats, meaning it keeps you sustained right up ‘til lunch.

Top tip: stew enough fruit to last the week. You can then assemble the crumble very quickly in the morning and pop it in the oven while you have your shower or whatever else you need to do. By the time you are dressed the crumble will be ready!

Ingredients – to serve one

  • Apples – If using cooking apples, mix with normal apples or a pear too, for natural sweetness. Use approx. 1-2 apples per portion.
  • Oats – about a third to a half cup. Gluten-free if required, or to make grain free you could use ground almonds.
  • Flax seed – about a dessertspoonful
  • Chia seeds – about a dessertspoonful
  • Other nuts and seeds of choice – I like walnuts or pecans – about a handful
  • Cinnamon – about a teaspoon

To stew the apples

apples being chopped for healthy breakfast crumblestewing apples

stewing apples

  • You can do this in advance and keep it in the fridge or even the freezer.
  • Wash, chop and de-core the apples. Personally I leave the skins on as they are tasty and nutritious! (And I am lazy).
  • Put in a pot with a sprinkle of cinnamon and approx. a quarter cup of water per 4 applies (not enough to cover the apples but enough to cover the bottom of the pan at least)
  • Place on a medium to low heat, covered, for around 20 minutes until softened.

To assemble the crumble

stewed apple for crumble

adding oats for crumble topping

healthy breakfast crumble

  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C.
  • Take an oven proof dish (I use a Pyrex bowl) and place the stewed apple at the bottom.
  • Add the flax and chia seeds, then the oats, and then the nuts
  • Pop in oven and bake for about half an hour (less if the stewed apples are still hot), until the apple is bubbling, and the top of the crumble has very slightly browned.

Eat straight away, I like it served with coconut or oat yoghurt. Remember the dish will be hot!

healthy breakfast crumble with coconut yoghurt

Like this and want some more healthy breakfast inspiration? Check out my post on healthy breakfast ideas.